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Russian – Italian design conference Arena Design Moscow

Mosca, 15 ottobre 2016

“saper progettare, saper ascoltare”

15-16 октября


Российско - Итальянская конференция по дизайну интерьера

building of the Central Telegraph on Tverskaya Street

Filippo Bombace partecipe in the first edition of Arena Design Moscow, a meeting point between designers and companies with a conference focusing on the relationship with clients and on projects that arises from this.


"The title is meant to portray my own interpretation of the 'design', founded essentially on the act early to 'listen' requests, intended not only as a moment of the so-called 'desired transposition', but also as a moment of local knowledge, of the context and of the character of the Client.
From this initial silence, not to be confused, however, with a feeling passive, naturally takes shape so the project from time to time because it was built in a different tailoring, however, according to a method and a now consolidated process that inevitably return character and personality to the intervention ".

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