iron house
roma (italy) - 2011
ph. :anna galante

Iron house! It is a project developed by a couple of young and determined tough, at the time of the interview, the classic time of the desired connote that the operation, in addition to exhibiting the amount and variety of local need and explain the stylistic references and material, desired, expressed with great determination the will to move the local cuisine close to the large terrace overlooking on the park.
The request, from the correct distribution point of view, as often happens is going to collide with the possibilities in terms plant offers from the estate: to build the kitchen where required, would have resulted in the inevitable realization of the classic step-platform needed to hold the correct slope of the discharge pipes.
We analyzed pros and cons clarity of the solution that was delineating, which moves in the plastic sense the horizontal plane, but especially where the surface does not exceed, may generate discomfort in the arrangement of the furniture and sometimes even dangerous situation to the transit of persons
By a flaw however, as often happens, he was born input perhaps most challenging of the whole operation. the request to put 14 people at the table if necessary, forced me to design an extension table, able to override the jump altitude dictated by step, and that if necessary, through a series of easy steps in sequence, allows the table same, once released from the storage unit that receives the standard position, rotate and fall over, creating a floor length of 320 cm.
In short, an excellent solution and what little strange putting on the table, however, a large number of people, however, creating an unexpected effect 'sgradonato' of the table.